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  • Why I Practice Thanksgiving Everyday

Why I Practice Thanksgiving Everyday

How Gratitude Rewires Your Brain

It’s not Happy people who are Thankful,… it’s thankful people who are Happy.

Every year around Thanksgiving, people pause and reflect on what they're most thankful for. This might include their food, family, friends, and everything else that holds value in their lives.

But did you know that this tradition will rewire your brain? While it's wonderful to count your blessings on days like Thanksgiving, practicing gratitude every day throughout the year offers tremendous benefits, keeping both your brain and body happier and healthier.

What are you grateful for in this moment? What do you appreciate more than anything right now?

Today, I'll delve into how gratitude will re-wire your brain and transform your life. Plus, I'll share some ways to implement this into your life with daily actions.

What Is Gratitude and the Science Behind Gratitude:

Let’s first understand what gratitude is and the science behind gratitude.

Gratitude is the appreciation of what is valuable and meaningful to you. It's a general state of thankfulness.

The beauty of gratitude is that it doesn't require monumental events or expensive items. You can train yourself to be consistently grateful for life's small joys, allowing you to experience happiness regularly.

When you feel gratitude, your hypothalamus gets activated. This part of your brain regulates critical bodily functions like appetite, sleep, temperature, metabolism, and growth.

Studies from the National Institute of Health indicate that our hypothalamus becomes active when we feel gratitude, perform acts of kindness, or experience feelings of gratitude.

This feeling releases dopamine, a chemical that rewards us with a natural high. This sensation is so pleasurable that we're motivated to experience it repeatedly, making us more inclined to express thanks and do good for others.

Zig Ziglar once said, "Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more you will likely have to express gratitude for."

According to UCLA's Mindfulness Awareness Research Center, expressing gratitude regularly alters your brain's molecular structure, ensuring the gray matter functions properly, making us healthier and happier.

Benefits of Gratitude

Let’s touch on the benefits of gratitude.

  1. Physical Health & Energy 💪🏃‍♂️🍎: Grateful individuals report fewer aches and pains and feel healthier than others. A study in Personality and Individual Differences found that grateful people are proactive about their health, exercise more, and attend regular doctor checkups, contributing to longevity.

  2. Mental Health 🧠😊📔: Gratitude can diminish numerous toxic emotions, from envy and resentment to frustration and regret. Dr. Robert Evans, a leading gratitude researcher, has found that gratitude effectively boosts happiness and curtails depression. Research also reveals that maintaining a gratitude journal can decrease blood pressure by 10%.

  3. Sleep 🌙💤🛌: A study in Applied Psychology showed that writing in a gratitude journal enhances sleep quality, reduces the time to fall asleep, and prolongs sleep duration.

  4. Mental Strength 💡🛡️❤️: Gratitude not only alleviates stress but also aids in overcoming trauma. A 2006 study in Behavior Research and Therapy discovered that Vietnam War veterans with higher gratitude levels had lower post-traumatic stress disorder rates. Gratitude fosters resilience and grit, making individuals more resilient to traumatic and stressful events.

  5. Self-Esteem 🌟🤳💖: Gratitude diminishes social comparisons, crucial in today's world where many suffer from "Facebook depression" due to comparing their lives with others' highlights. Instead of feeling resentful towards those with more, grateful individuals can appreciate their own and others' achievements.

Implementing Gratitude in Our Life

  1. Gratitude Journal 📔🖊️❤️: Maintain a daily gratitude journal. List three things you're thankful for every morning and evening. If you need inspiration, consider: "What do I have in my life that money can't buy?" You can also create a gratitude jar, filling it with daily notes of gratitude.

  2. Express Appreciation 🗣️💬❤️: Regularly tell someone you appreciate them. Share your gratitude with loved ones, perhaps during dinner or team meetings. For my private Mastermind clients, we initiate every meeting with a gratitude exercise.

  3. Mirror Exercise 🪞💭🌟: Look in the mirror daily and think of something you appreciate about yourself.

  4. Mindfulness 🌲🧘‍♂️📵: Be present to genuinely appreciate the moment. Spend time in nature, away from digital distractions. The more grateful you are, the more present you become.

  5. Reduce Judgment 🚫🤔🌈: Minimize the inner critic that hinders gratitude. Remember the parables of the farmer's horse and the twin boys, emphasizing that our perspective determines our feelings.

Harness the power of gratitude to enjoy its myriad benefits. In the spirit of gratitude, I want to express my thanks to my production team for their dedication and to you for listening and reading.

So, what are you grateful for? Share your gratitude on social media, and tag me at BigK with the hashtag #bigkideas.

Remember, it's not happy people who are thankful; it's thankful people who are happy. 

Let’s end with a quick overview of the key lessons and action items.

Key Lessons:

  1. The Power of Gratitude: Being thankful will rewire your brain, leading to a happier and healthier life.

  2. Understanding Gratitude: It's the appreciation of what's valuable and meaningful, not necessarily tied to big events or materialistic gains.

  3. Brain Chemistry and Gratitude: Feeling gratitude activates the hypothalamus and releases dopamine, giving a natural high.

  4. Benefits of Gratitude: It positively impacts physical health, mental health, sleep quality, mental strength, and self-esteem.

  5. The Social Aspect: Gratitude can counteract the negative effects of social comparisons, like "Facebook depression."

  6. Perspective Matters: Our perspective and mindset determine our feelings and reactions to events.

Action Points:

  1. Maintain a Gratitude Journal: Write down three things you're thankful for every morning and evening.

  2. Express Appreciation: Regularly tell someone you're thankful for them. Share gratitude moments with loved ones or during team meetings.

  3. Mirror Exercise: Daily self-affirmation by recognizing something you appreciate about yourself.

  4. Practice Mindfulness: Stay present, spend time in nature, and disconnect from digital distractions.

  5. Reduce Judgment: Challenge and reduce your inner critic. Reflect on stories or parables that emphasize perspective.

  6. Engage in Social Sharing: Post your gratitude moments on social media using relevant hashtags to spread positivity.

  7. Continuous Reflection: Always remember that it's the thankful people who are truly happy.

End with a call to action: Share your gratitude moments, and always strive for continuous learning and appreciation in life.

May your days be filled with love, life, laughter, and continuous learning.

"Speak what you want, make it your truth, and it will come true."

Stay awesome
