Getting Rich Is Super Easy

I Got Rich When I Understood This

Get on paper what you want in the next 12 months! And write it down every single morning and every single night. That’s all you have to do. Simple!

Ah, wealth! No, I'm not talking about that time you discovered an extra twenty dollars in your jeans after doing laundry.

Although, wasn't that a delightful surprise? But let's step it up a notch. What if I told you that getting rich, in terms of your aspirations and dreams, can be as easy as jotting down a grocery list?

Why Is This So Effective? 🤔💡

  1. Psycho Neuromotor Activity: Picture this – every time you write down your goals, it’s like giving your brain a mini workout. You're essentially flexing your "goal muscles" each time. By engaging various senses, you're anchoring those dreams deep into your subconscious, making them more than just whimsical desires.

  2. Clarity and Precision: Ever tried explaining your favorite movie to someone? It’s easy when you’re clear about the plot. The same goes for your goals. A well-defined goal is like a straight path, while a vague one is a maze.

  3. Daily Nudges: Think of your goals as a plant. By revisiting and rewriting them daily, you're watering this plant, ensuring it grows robust and reaches its full potential.

The Action Blueprint 📝🛠️🚀

Let’s get those hands dirty (with ink, of course):

  1. Gather Your Tools 🛠️: Just a piece of paper 📄 and a pen 🖊️. No, not that pen that's run out of ink ❌🖋️!

  2. Set The Stage 🎭: At the top, crown your paper with "Goals" 🎯 and today’s date 📆.

  3. Dream & List 💭📋: Conjure up 10 goals for the next 365 days 📅. Big or small, jot them all ✏️.

  4. Spotlight The Star 🌟: Which of these goals, if accomplished, would feel like winning the life lottery 🎉? Circle it 🔍.

  5. Deep Dive 🌊🔍: On a fresh page 📃, detail out this superstar goal. What? When? How?

  6. Break It Down 🔨: Think of all the baby steps 👶 or giant leaps 🚀, you’d need to reach this goal. Note them down ✍️.

  7. Commence The Journey 🏁🚶: Don’t wait for a sign ⏳. This IS the sign ✨. Start NOW! 🔥.

Yeah - I think that was kill-by emojis :)

Pro-tip: Do the above daily. And, if mornings make you groggy, start with a simple, "I can do this" before diving in.

Pro-tip-2: Write your goals as if you have already achieved them (link)

The Michael Jackson Paradigm 🕺🎵📖

Remember MJ, the moonwalk maestro? Apart from his iconic dance steps and haunting melodies, he also left behind a lesson in ambition.

At 21, he scribbled his dreams. Not in the clouds but on tangible paper. He visualized being the entertainer who would captivate the world and remained dedicated to refining his skills.

If that's not proof of the pudding, I don't know what is!

Why Traditional Pen & Paper? 🖋️📜🤖

In our tech-driven world, why resort to such ancient techniques?

  • Physical Bond: The act of writing creates a visceral connection between you and your goals.

  • Subconscious Soldier: Your handwritten goals recruit your subconscious mind, turning it into an ally, working overtime to bring those dreams to fruition.

  • Visual Victory: Seeing your goals, literally, helps solidify them. And before you know it, you're on your way!

Remember, the journey to get rich in aspirations is filled with penned ambitions, visualized victories, and consistent commitment. So, sharpen that pencil and let your dreams roll!

Let’s take a moment to go through the key lessons and action items

Key Lessons:

  1. The Power of Documentation: Writing down goals is not just an act but a tool for success. It's a commitment to one's dreams and aspirations.

  2. Psycho Neuromotor Activity: Writing engages multiple senses, imprinting goals deeply in our subconscious, which in turn becomes a guiding force.

  3. Clarity and Precision: Goals need to be specific. Vague aspirations are harder to achieve. The act of writing provides clarity and focus.

  4. The Influence of Repetition: Daily reaffirmation of goals solidifies their importance and keeps one consistently motivated.

  5. Traditional Methods Over Digital: Using pen and paper has a unique impact, embedding the goals into the subconscious, working round-the-clock to realize them.

  6. Inspiration from the Greats: Emulating successful personalities, like Michael Jackson, and understanding their commitment can be a guiding star.

Action Items:

  1. Equip Yourself: Ensure you have a writing pad and a functional pen.

  2. Initiate the Process: Label your paper with "Goals" and the current date for authenticity and context.

  3. Goal Creation: Draft 10 specific goals you aspire to achieve in the coming year. They can span across various dimensions of life.

  4. Prioritization: Out of the listed goals, identify the one that would make the most significant positive difference in your life.

  5. Detailing: Allocate a fresh page to this paramount goal. Describe its facets—what it is, when you aim to achieve it, and how you plan to do so.

  6. Strategize: List down all the necessary steps, whether incremental or substantial, required to realize this goal.

  7. Kickstart the Journey: Procrastination is the thief of time. Begin your pursuit immediately without waiting for external signs or triggers.

  8. Daily Reiteration: Every morning, rewrite your 10 goals. It’s beneficial to complement this with affirmations, reinforcing your commitment.

    Here is one of my favorite affirmations... that I repeat multiple times each day, and before going to bed at night!

    "I am so happy and grateful now that money flows to me from multiple sources in increasing quantities on a continuous basis".

Remember, the journey towards achieving your goals is as important, if not more, as the destination itself. Every step, no matter how small, is progress.

"Speak what you want, make it your truth, and it will come true."

Stay awesome
